
Temporary Orders in Oklahoma Divorce

By Kristy Loyall Cordell & Cordell Oklahoma Divorce Lawyer An Application for Temporary Order in an Oklahoma divorce is normally the first hearing set in a divorce action. The pleading is normally filed at the same time as the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage but does not have to be. The requested relief is in addition to the terms of the Automatic Temporary Injunction that goes into effect upon the serving of the Summons. The party filing the Application will set the Application for hearing. The hearing must be at least five days after the other party receives notice of Read more

Grounds for Divorce in Oklahoma

By Kristy Loyall Cordell & Cordell Oklahoma Divorce Lawyer The following article provides an overview of the Oklahoma divorce process along with jurisdiction and grounds for divorce in Oklahoma. If a party is seeking a divorce in Oklahoma from their current spouse, he/she must file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. Where a party files for divorce depends on which court has jurisdiction over the parties. Oklahoma divorce laws (43 O.S. § 102) require either the Petitioner or the Respondent to be an actual resident of the state of Oklahoma for six months preceding the filing of the Petition, and Read more